My sole point of writing that was in the hope of resonating with even just one person. Many people in the grip of suicidal compulsion will spend time on Google prior to taking their own life, research shows some will even look for “signs” they take as validation or as a reason to not end their life…… that was my point in writing “if you are looking for a sign not to kill yourself this is it.” Pure and simple. It may resonate with somebody, it may resonate with nobody, but either way, I am going to try—I am going to try anything I can. As for the hotline number, I added it as standard journalistic practice. Guidelines from all the suicide prevention organizations implore writers to always include a helpline number and a call to action on any article that includes the subject of suicide. As a person who has struggled with bi-polar my entire life, and been involuntarily committed twice, in addition to losing two cousins and four friends to suicide over the years, it is a subject that I care about deeply, and I think you will find if you re-read my comment I’m not simply telling people to “just reach out”. I’m offering the opportunity to do so, not only to those personally struggling but also to their loved ones who may be clueless about how to help. It may be “problematic” for those with suicidal ideation to reach out, but research shows that some will if encouraged to, so I fail to see why you would not include that option. If you have a spare five minutes (I know so few people take time to read past headlines these days, by this is too vital a subject to ignore) please read this brief reporting guide: