You could not be more wrong if you tried. The headline is not “clickbait”…. I used to work as a tabloid editor, and I have written clickbait many many times over the years – and it’s something I’m not proud of. Clickbait is a post called “48 Amazing Facts About Liza Minnelli You Never Knew” that includes, in actuality, zero facts and nothing amazing or new. It’s junk content that has no meaning or worth.
I’m sorry if my post (that I was not paid to write and have so far earned 75 cents in total for from Medium), didn’t reach academia level of scrutiny, but do NOT question my intent or my integrity in writing it.
I didn’t include more stats and numbers and whatever else you deem to be essential because, I didn’t have the time to research to that level, and I didn’t want to bore the life out of readers who just switch off very easily.
I also didn’t include a ton of disclaimers and explanations throughout the post, whenever and wherever I made a point, as I believe my intention is clear if you read it as a whole.
Yes, you can argue “how do you know the murder rate is higher if the majority of crimes are not being reported.” But, the fact is that more ARE being reported, and as many still DON’T go reported, do the math. Dude, I’m not reporting for The NY Times, with the luxury of the time and salary that comes along with that.
I took the narrative from the sources I attributed throughout the post (all of which I trust to be credible sources). Trump may claim CNN is “fake news” but as much as I personally loathe Wolf Blitzer and his goddamn “Situation Room” I do still retain faith, on the whole, that CNN is a credible news organization. Maybe you don’t – that’s up to you to decide.
However, do NOT accuse me of posting fucking clickbait on this subject though. That makes me really fucking angry. It’s not. It’s not “sensationalized” either. Equality, justice, human rights and women’s rights are the subjects I care most passionately about in life (along with penal reform), so accusing me of that is, In all essence, spitting in my face. No bueno.
Trying to earn enough money just to eat leaves me very little time or energy to write about things I genuinely care about – for free – and so I’m limited in how much in-depth research I can carry out. However, I will never knowingly publish false narrative and fake facts on Medium, in a post such as this I will add numbers and narrative from sources such as CNN (and attribute and link back to).
i am simply attempting to help give a voice to dead victims who no longer have one, and I’m attempting to support and help my sisters, who are still struggling. Sorry if that doesn’t fit your exacting standards. But, at least I am trying the best I can do, with the incredibly limited time and resources I have right now. What are you doing aside from trying to paint me as being an exploitative phony opportunist?